Return Policy
You may return most new, unopened items within 7 days of delivery for a full refund only if the purchase is a result of our error (for example you received an incorrect item or if there is a manufacturing defect).
You may return most new, unopened items within 7 days of delivery for a full refund only if the purchase is a result of our error (for example you received an incorrect item or if there is a manufacturing defect).
Please contact us to arrange for an exchange or refund.
Postage for sending items back for exchange or refund will be beared by the customer.
Please understand that we on our part will also be paying for the postage to mail the replacement back to you.
Postage for sending items back for exchange or refund will be beared by the customer.
Please understand that we on our part will also be paying for the postage to mail the replacement back to you.
Shipping (Singapore) - Free by Singpost Normal Mail
All you need to do is to complete payment via Internet Bank transfer or ATM transfer and we will ship out your orders within 2 working days. Please note that all orders will be shipped by Singpost Normal Mail which is free of charge unless you opt for Singpost Registered Mail at an additional charge of $3.00. We highly recommend opting for Singpost Registered Mail as a tracking number will be provided. Registered mail charge is only applicable once per order (for example even if you order 5 items in the same order, we will only charge $3.00 for registered mail). We are not responsible for lost or damaged mails sent through Singpost Normal Mail.
Shipping (International) - Not Available